Why Elevate Applicate was Created


It all started with a exam...

The Michigan Commercial Pesticide Applicator exam to be exact.

Back in 2013, I took the Michigan Commercial Pesticide Applicator Core exam, Turf grass (3a), Ornamentals (3b), and Right of Way (6) exams to become a commercial certified pesticide applicator in the State of Michigan.

I hated the exam.  I did well on it, I believe I scored around an 85% on my first try.  However, the studying that lead up to taking the exam was exhausting.

When My license was due to expire, I took the exams again.  This time, I knew what I was up against and was not thrilled at the idea of sitting down for hours filling in bubbles.

It was only after the second time I took the exams that I learned you could recertify your license through continuing education credits (CEUs).

Having learned this new information, I vowed to only renew from CEUs from then on.

I attended many seminars for Continuing Education Credits over the years.  I learned quickly that I was not the only one that felt this way in regards to the exams.  Many other Pesticide Applicators were taking these seminars so they did not have to sit and test.

As time progressed, I started to see how expensive being a Commercial Certified Pesticide applicator really became.

If you recertified through exams, with the new computer based testing company, you are looking to spend around $500-$600 dollars depending on how many categories you need to recertify.

If you wanted to recertify through Continuing Education Credits, your cost to renew your license could be anywhere from $500-$1,400!

Either Way, I began to realize that their had to be a better way.

In my off season of my Commercial Pesticide Application business, I decided to look into all of the systems and processes needed to provide continuing education credits to my fellow pesticide applicators.


Elevate Applicate was born.


My mission is to provide our members with the best possible information that they can quickly implement in their own practices while also keeping the cost of being a Commercial Certified Pesticide applicator low.

At the end of the day, I am one of you. 

In the trenches, mixing chemicals, 90 degree days in long sleeves, pants, boots, and sometimes wearing a respiratory when the label calls for it.

I Understand what its like to be a Commercial Certified Pesticide Applicator.

I am here to serve our industry, our communities, and most importantly, you who are reading this.

I look forward to serving you for many years to come.


- Austin D.

ISA Certified Arborist MI-4665A

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified

ISA Michigan Oak Wilt Qualified

TCIA Qualified Plant Health Care Technician

TCIA Tree Care Specialist

MDARD Commercial Certified Applicator

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Elevate Applicate


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